But I don't know why these two scripts cannot be cdo remapnn,r1440x720 in. Jan 7, 2021 · The source grid mask is automatically generated from the missing values of the input data. to a regular 1 degree grid you can use: cdo remapcon,r360x180 input. Example to exclude var1 and var2: ncks -x -v var1,var2 file. nc )を低解像度なnetCDFファイル( out_lowres. It is a common grid description for all available grids. Example HH_local_emission_regrid. the instance attribute 'forceOutput' to false: this will effect all later call of that instance or Example HH_local_emission_regrid. nc infile_fixedgrid. For example for first order: cdo remapcon,r1440x720 in. nc #cdo remapcon (Abort): lonlat grid without longitude coordinates! Although the ourput. First-order conservative remapping: for ( n = 0; n < num_links; n++ ) dst_array[dst_addr[n]] += src_array[src_addr[n]]*weights[n]; Second-order conservative CDO is a collection of command line operators to manipulate and analyse climate and numerical weather prediction model data. $ cdo -remapcon,gridfile. remapcon2 : 2nd order conservative remapping. Toby Marthews, 2022-07-04 12:27. c, line 1777 Download all files. I can seemingly do that using cdo remapcon using the commands below, However it doesn't produce quite what I expected. 1 In case the weight computation does not work for your regions, some areas should have been counted multiple times, which should lead to value != 1. 6 remapcon,r100x100 edgar_example. But I couldn't remap this "generic" grid to a lonlat. NCO is a command line tool for processing netCDF data. nc or cdo -info -remapcon,cdo_scrip_grid_ess. The output format is specified with the parameter “-f”: cdo -f nc import_cmsaf ifile. nc contains the grid corner lats and lons. 56084 24. sed -i "s/generic/lonlat/g" mygrid. nc" (dimension 5x4) and "pr_ACCESS-CM2_mm. For this example I created a very tiny NetCDF file which has elevation data for 6 spatial points (in N. nc where n and m are the numbers of points to average over in the lon and lat directions. % this function makes 360 columns and 180 rows based on the lon and lat of your input file. nc zos_Omon_IPSL-CM6A-LR_historical_r2i1p1f1_gn_185008. 99192. Display the header and coordinate variables of a netCDF file, with the time variable displayed in human-readable format. Many of these commands utilize the nco and cdo utilities. 4 Climate Data Operators (CDO) A collection of command-line operators to manipulate and analyze climate and numerical weather prediction data; includes support for netCDF-3, netCDF-4 and GRIB1, GRIB2, and other formats. 25deg resolution. However, most Nov 12, 2021 · サンプルコード. $ cdo remapcon,global Feb 5, 2021 · For example, on the right hand side of this domain I would add 360 to boundary longitudes less than 180 if the center cell longitude was over 180. The result obtained is output_file. grib h14_2019053000. Documentation. I'm not an expert on the subject but I think, the remapping method you want to use depends on the distribution and type of the variable. Only the land mask is still shrunk. For example, you can run. h5 ofile. CDO cannot make anything out of your ROMS input grid, since there no longitudes nor latitudes. cdo zaxisdes shows the depth information for both. 13119 24. CDO provides more than 350 operators, including. Aborting in file clipping. nc cdo(1) eq: Process started cdo(1) eq: Processed 480736 values from 4 variables over 2 timesteps. At least in the way it is originally saved. So, I tried to edit the mask file with "ncatted". nc cdo remapcon,r720x360 in. cdo -info -remapcon,cdo_scrip_grid_ess. cdo -f nc4 -P <スレッド数> remapcon,grid_output in_hires. The coordinates are already processed before. 34584 24. However, the variable lat/lon in the output. After I compared CDO remapped file with the wrfinput from ARW feature "ndown. grib; Then convert the file from grib to netcdf: cdo -f nc copy h14_2019053000_r. Dear CDO Users, I hope someone can help with this. nc file-var12. cdo remapcon,output. cdo -f nc -random,n48 template. 4. 1. nc, regridfile_tmp1. nc You can then read in the regridded field into R in the same way you are currently doing. remapnn : nearest neighbour interpolation. It would be helpful to know if this is why the remap fails i. 8975 (in your mygrid! it's a typo I guess) try the following. txt' is incorrect. nc out_bs_mask. Could you please kindly tell me how can I solve this? Cheers, Yu I think cdo could still remap these grids if a mask were provided of their rubbish cells. -90 on left edge, center Jun 18, 2020 · The problem is that cdo does not like the presence of the variables lat_bounds and lon_bounds. RE: Remap not finding source grid cells - Added by Uwe Schulzweida about 3 years ago Jan 7, 2021 · pass the indices string from the text files to. Download all files. nc example2. cdo -setattribute,friver@coordinates="lat lon" friver_y2013. 水平高解像度なnetCDFファイル( in_hires. In this way, data can be written. nc fileOUT. nc modified. The I/O is synchronized after each timestep. If I do. nc 2#cdo remapcon,seamask example2. e. g. 25 deg Gaussian grid. The according netcdf files are attached. I defined the grid in SCRIP format as suggested in the manual: Jan 7, 2021 · $ cdo setmisstoc,0 -eq zos_Omon_IPSL-CM6A-LR_historical_r2i1p1f1_gn_185008. nc (The size of in. 6/max=1e+30)! cdo remapcon: YAC first order conservative weights from curvilinear (320x104) to gaussian (128x64) grid, with source mask (23744) cdo remapcon: 51%ERROR: invalid cell. it should be 1. If some coordinates cannot be processed, they must be removed beforehand: cdo remapcon,global_1 -selindexbox,2,361,2,293 zos_Omon_CNRM-CM6-1_historical_r1i1p1f2_gn_185008. • CDO is freely available for linux and windows systems. Delete the attributes: ncatted -O -a grid_mapping,Precip,d,, -a bounds,time,d,, sample. Otherwise you can interpolate using the conversative remapping which means that you don't need to worry if the new grid is not a multiple of the old. \n Grid Description File \n. cdo remapcon (Abort): Source grid cell corner coordinates missing! So i thought to do a sellonlatbox,4,20,-59,-50 of the larger (output) grid, but it gives me cdo sellonlatbox (Abort): Longitudinal I want to use cdo to remap a source file (cropped_example. Grid description examples) Kind regards, Estanislao Finally we tested all 4 regions with a constant regular grided field like this: cdo -info -remapcon,cdo_scrip_grid_ess. Mar 7, 2022 · Sorry we lost track of this issue. nc (it will give you a warning but it can be ignored). cdo setmisstoc: Processed 240368 values from 2 variables over 1 timestep [0. If you delete these first with nco like this: ncks -x -v lat_bounds,lon_bounds deseasonalized_2002-2019new_grace_inter. to perform a first order conservative regridding to a regular 0. nc \n. nc pr_era5. $ cdo remapcon,global cdo -info -remapcon,cdo_scrip_grid_ess. 24. Here is an example of "cdo info" on an AEC compressed GRIB2 file containing ICON R2B9 data with one 3D variable on 77 levels and 8 timesteps: The speedup with 4 workers is 3 and it doesn't scale with more than 8 workers. So we need to understand how the CDO interpolation operators work. nc ofile. nc" (dimension 1x3). cdo gencon: Map weight < 0! grid1idx=982738 grid2idx=140606 nlink=1752516 wts=-3. nc first, there are variables (time_bnds, UTM33N) missing in the file sample. Its main focus is climate data, but it can by used for other purposes too. . cdo griddes -random,n48 > mygrid. For example, I wouldn't use bilinear/bicubic to interpolate precipitation data but the same can be used to interpolate smooth [model] fields like Temperature. nc can not be worked out. Files. You can use a gridfile to explicitly define output. cdo remapcon (Abort): grid1 corner missing! Following the guidelines in the SCRIP manual I have create a file to use as target file with grid_center_lat and lon as well as grid_corner_lat and lon (4 corner points), RE: cdo setgrid - Added by Jaison-Thomas Ambadan almost 11 years ago. So it could be a CDO or data problem, if the input file contains data and the resulting file is empty. cdo remapcon,new_grid_specification in. Then use CDO to set the grid: cdo setgrid,mygrid infile. SourceData. emiprep will use CDO for regridding purposes. grib h14_2019053000_r. To convert to regular lat/lon cdo -R remapcon,r1600x800 -setgridtype,regular h14_2019053000. $ cdo setmisstoc,0 -eq zos_Omon_IPSL-CM6A-LR_historical_r2i1p1f1_gn_185008. by default, can run: $ cdo remapcon,r360x180 ifile ofile. nc -const,1. 97e+36)! Mar 5, 2020 · I am trying to use this command to interpolate my netcdf data into my wrfinput_d01 . txt -selgrid,1 bgcmean_2d. ncview shows a depth_bnds info before, but not after remapping. anyhow, you better upload the files for getting help. The following keywords can be used to describe a grid: gridtype STRING type of the grid (gaussian, lonlat, curvilinear, cell) gridsize INTEGER size of the grid xsize INTEGER size in x direction (number of longitudes) But the cdo still met some problem and the out. eg. Trying this (all the commands are above in the example), it produces an output file on the correct 2D grid, but strangely cdo remapcon doesn't manage to 'drop in' the values of the 6 points in the right places (all 6 are incorrect) and it also adds in a swath of extra nonzero values at points surrounding those 6 points (which looks like some Apr 18, 2019 · You can use cdo to remap grids, e. Best regards, Here we just give a few examples for the use with CM SAF data: The pure conversion of a CM SAF HDF5 file to netCDF can be done with the “import_cmsaf” operator. このとき cdo-1. 5 CDO grids The CDO grid description is an ASCII formatted file. But I don't know why these two scripts cannot be first, there are variables (time_bnds, UTM33N) missing in the file sample. nc # conservative regridding to an other resolution </code> remapcon requires the xbounds and ybounds values in your grid text file (see 1. 6. Jan 7, 2021 · $ cdo setmisstoc,0 -eq zos_Omon_IPSL-CM6A-LR_historical_r2i1p1f1_gn_185008. ## WARNING: these commands will overwrite any file called jkl, SixPointsOnly. Avoid re-processing. ncdump -h also shows depth_bnds before, but not after. 2. Extract specific value in one dimension (conserving this dim) Example to select only 10th level of depth dim (resulting file will keep this . Grid description examples) Kind regards, Estanislao Feb 22, 2017 · pynco. Jun 9, 2023 · 'Ia ora na, I've used a combination of CDO et NCO features to remap some wrfout file to wrfinput (see script below). cdo remapbil (Abort): Unsupported generic coordinates (Variable: cdr_seaice_conc_monthly)!_ Anyone can give me some instruction? Besides, I can not update my cdo 2. 5. The geographic coordinates of the ICON model are located on an unstructured grid. cdo gencon,global_1 -delgridcell,indices. cdf = cdo. when I want to remapcon - Added by Ralf Mueller 10 months ago hi Jinyan RE: cdo remapbil (Abort): Unsupported target grid type (generic)! - Added by Ralf Mueller over 6 years ago. nc input_file. Use 'selgrid,1' to select all variable on the first grid: cdo remapcon,r120x60 -selindexbox,1,120,1,101 -setgrid,gridfile_122x101. nc output. nc out_lowres. Thank you for your help, Andreas. CDO can also be used to analyze gridded data not related to climate science. nc )へと変換する場合、シェル (Bash)で以下のコマンドを実行します。. cdo remapcon: Processed 69782 values from 1 variable over 1 timestep [0. I will try to fix it with @jhardenberg soon but not sure in time for 2. but I receive this massage: [****Warning (cdf_scan_var_attr) : Time must be the first dimension! Unsupported array structure, skipped variable wetland_CH4_emissions! Feb 18, 2020 · Powered by Redmine © 2006-2024 Jean-Philippe Lang Jul 21, 2023 · I am trying remap interpolation using cdo by: cdo remapbil,black_sea. You can also find a example in the appendix D (i. Download (7. (The size of in. scanningMode = 64. 2 MB) SourceData. For selindexbox all input fields muss have the same horizontal grid. I want to use cdo to remap a source file (cropped_example. Here is an example for the bilinear interpolation: cdo remapbil,targetgrid ifile ofile. There are more than 600 operators available. In case of the TNO-MACC3 inventory, we need to convert from mass/time/gridcell to mass/time/area. nc > mygrid. nc can be any file which has the target grid and input_file is the file which is to be regridded. Dec 14, 2020 · module load cdo. 97e+36)! cdo remapbil (Warning): Source grid cell center latitudes out of range (min=29. For example, if I type: cdo remapcon,r720x360 pr_Amon_CNRM-CM6-1_historical_r3i1p1f2_gr_185001-201412. nc Apr 27, 2023 · cdo remapbil (Abort): Unsupported generic coordinates (Variable: DN)! I suppose the root cause lies in WRF netCDF incompatibilities with CF Convention ; and I don't know if there's anything to do ? Thank you to enlighten me on that matter if you have any information. 875 instead of 1. txt Toby Marthews, 2022-07-04 12:27 ## WARNING: these commands will overwrite any Dear CDO Users, I hope someone can help with this. 26. rb and on the homepage. Replies (1) RE: remapcon and remapcon2 - Added by Uwe Schulzweida almost 14 years ago. export MAX_REMAPS=1. A typical case for CM SAF data Jul 1, 2022 · My SixPointsOnly. nc (Note that occasionally you may find CDO throwing a wobbly due to loss of precision during the conversion if the data is "packed" and in this case it will suggest you use the option "-b f32" or "-b f64". Attached I have a worked example (no need to download any files: the code should just run and produce the error). Here is the cdo comand that I am using for the remapping: cdo remapcon,tar_grid. Regridding is the process of interpolating from one grid resolution to a different grid resolution. nc (5. Mar 19, 2020 · cdo -v # print list of available operators cdo -V # version (if very old, think of downloading the source and install a new version, as it is a tool that is evolving quickly cdo -h remapcon # informations about a command cdo remapcon,my_grid my_climatology. nc, one thing to note in this is that the metadata/attributes should be CF compliant for cdo to understand the files and data. nc is missing. I get the following messages: setgrid (Warning): No grid with 572 points found! remapcon (Abort): Grid corner missing! Any suggestions on what I do wrong are greatly appreciated The option --worker is available since CDO release 1. So there is at least one variable on a 'generic' grid which has the size 1. variables ['T'][:] More examples can be found in test/cdo-examples. They are set as attributes for time and Precip. I don't know how many gid cells a 10-minute resolution would be. ) Then I can use remapcon operator successfully. There are other interpolation methods possible, described in the docs (not all work for this type of grid). Jun 15, 2021 · You can solve this using the setgrid operator. At least, the very high and very low values in the area of the periodic boundary do not exist anymore. See grid files in this repo. I have repaired this as you suggested with. $ ncdump -cts file. nc new-file. A fork from Ralf Mueller's cdo-bindings. nc' file is of the size 720x360. cdo gencon: Map weight > 1! grid1idx=982739 grid2idx=140192 nlink=1752517 wts=8. nc result. , cdo remapcon,r7200x3600 in. I want to regrid it to a structured long/lat grid at 0. 9/max=9. cdo remapcon,<output_grid> <input_file> <output_file>. Python bindings for NCO. First create a grid file. 06s 41MB]. my 'out. cdo -setgrid,mygrid input. cdo weight generation would simply then simply skip the bad cells. Another Jul 4, 2022 · CDORemapcon_example. I defined the grid in SCRIP format as suggested in the manual: Dear CDO Users, I hope someone can help with this. Problem description: a LAEA-gridded file could not be remapped using, e. when I want to remapcon - Added by Ralf Mueller 9 months ago hi Jinyan! the 1. My ideal suggestions are: Add an option to weight generation that uses verifygrid to generate this mask of rubbish points and apply it automatically. 7762 24. Example commands. The variable grid_dims have to contain the length of each grid axis. 75 and edge is -89. nc TargetData. Also show status of file compression and/or chunking. src_grid. cdo remapcon adds mysterious unnecessary interpolation wh » CDORemapcon_example. txt - CDO - Project Management Service. 7. nc. nc file is an example of an 'unstructured grid'. nc SourceData. When using remapcon to build a smaller test data set, the depth information is lost. The correct values are: grid_dims = 21, 31; But it contains: grid_dims = 1, 2; I know that you can specify the number of Lat and Lon grids in the command: For example, if I type: cdo remapcon,r720x360 pr_Amon_CNRM-CM6-1_historical_r3i1p1f2_gr_185001-201412. Operators can be combined to a command sequence. nc sample_2. nc So I suppose it's an issue with my target grid definition file grid. Your data keep an extra column on the left and right side. Example to extract var1 and var2 and store in fileOUT. In case the weight computation does not work for your regions, some areas should have been counted multiple times, which should lead to value != 1. Using the cdo-operators in that way you suggested above, the conservatively remapped fields look quite ok. nc out. 1. #cdo remapcon (Abort): lonlat grid without longitude coordinates! Although the ourput. nc where newgrid. 6/max=9. I am doing the operation with the following commands: - cdo remapcon,my_target_file. 25s 79MB]. As well as conservative first order remapping (remapcon), other options are : remapbil : bilinear interpolation. The area represented from the models and the reanalysis is the same, only the resulution changes. To check it we need an example file. nc with just extended domain area and values will be as original in small area and extended value of the area would be 0. exe", it appeared via NCVIEW that there's a horizontal shift (zonal & meridional) between both files During the generation of remapping weights many errors occur including map weights above 1 and below 0 (see image). 5 GB, so I can't attach here. it returns. This grid is stored in a separate grid file independent of the model data. nc; this is just a sample of a larger dataset of monthly data with the same recurring issue). Remove variables. Dec 3, 2019 · cdo remapcon,newgrid. fldmin (input = ifile, returnCdf = True) temperatures = cdf. genbil creates weights, that must be aplied with remap. nc output_file. txt. cdo remapcon (Abort): Source grid cell corner coordinates missing! and aborts. CDO grids in Documentation). You should then be able to regrid the file. non-compliance confuses CDO when it tries to assign axes? RE: Remap not finding source grid cells - Added by Uwe Schulzweida over 3 years ago Using the cdo-operators in that way you suggested above, the conservatively remapped fields look quite ok. Hi Rob, The second-order conservative remapping consider also the gradients in lon and lat direction. 9. As an example, I attach here two of them: "pr_EC-Earth3-CC_mm. nc SAFRAN_PR_19890101net3. cdo remapcon (Warning): Source grid cell center latitudes out of range (min=30. 0. 2 using conda (with a scripts line of "conda update cdo") in ubuntu. This final values includes weight computation (which should give wrong results) and normalization (which should be ok for your regions). 03 KB) cdo remapcon adds mysterious unnecessary interpolation wh » CDORemapcon_example. Supported data formats are GRIB 1/2, netCDF 3/4, SERVICE, EXTRA and IEG. Regards, Uwe. Alaska) called SixPointsOnly. where targetgrid is a grid file and -f is output file type. nc file: ncks -v var1,var2 fileIN. txt ifile ofile \n other example commands \n $ cdo remapbil,targetgrid ifile ofile \n $ cdo -f nc remapcon,r360x180 ifile. [] cdo gencon: Error: sum of wts for map1 first, there are variables (time_bnds, UTM33N) missing in the file sample. cdo remapcon,n360 infile outfile. if resample 1deg map from 4by5 map, by default the center is -89. 97e+36)! I'm not an expert on the subject but I think, the remapping method you want to use depends on the distribution and type of the variable. Wiki. ) Common regridding options to consider are: remapbil: Bilinear interpolation The approach for remapping with CDO is very simple. Grid description examples) Kind regards, Estanislao remapcon requires the xbounds and ybounds values in your grid text file (see 1. Your SCRIP description files is inconsistent. nc) into a new remaped file. Dec 19, 2022 · cdo gridboxmean,n,m in. It is apparently failing to produce a correct grid file to feed remapcon from ERA-Interim. nc -selvar,Data -setgrid,src_grid. nc -setgrid,grid_corners_SAFRAN. In forum, I have read cdo setvals and cdo setgridcell,value= etc used for specific values replacement and for specific points. Using remapbil,r7200x3600 for higher resolution: cdo remapbil (Warning): Source grid cell center longitudes out of range (min=-33. This hides the cyclic interpolation over the edges. cdo(1) reducegrid: Processed 108000 values from 1 variable over 1 timestep. cdo -remapcon,EUR-11_grid. where grid_corners_SAFRAN. nc I got this error: remapbil (Abort): Unsupported target grid type (generic)! I guess cdo does not handle with generic type. This package contains the python module nco, which implements a python style access to the NetCDF Operators (NCO). nc mask. 04 MB) src_grid. Then you can use cdo to remap this file successfully. 0,global_0. nc (7. Then extract the Italian domain from the global netcdf file (lon0=5, lon1=19, lat0=36, lat1=48): Jul 11, 2022 · One way to regrid the unstructured data is by using the remap function from cdo. 1 into cdo 2. These contain a replication of the second and second last column. nc, but I can't figure out what it is. mask. nc which will return warnings using 'cdo sinfon'. 3 ICON - Grid File Server. 5; If you desire to define the edges exactly as you need (eg. nc . nc my 'out. nc because the LAEA grid definition was incomplete (file is attached, monthly data file for April named APR_v1. nc is 1. 32649e+15. The mask would be determined by letting the user choose which tests a cell fails in verifygrid. This could involve temporal, vertical or spatial ('horizontal') interpolations. cdo-1. Compress a netCDF file. nc in. This is the same as the one you give, but with "generic" replaced by "lonlat": cdo griddes infile. Example CDO descriptions of a curvilinear and an unstructured grid can be found in Appendix D. $ cdo remapcon,global RE: cdo remapbil creates missing values when regridding CMIP files - Added by Uwe Schulzweida over 4 years ago. nc example_regirdded. nc However, you can also use first or second order conservative remapping. Is there a way to do this? Many thanks. Below are several useful commands for editing netCDF files. nc test. The proper (in both english and french sense) solution would be allowing options to verifygrid such that it generates a mask file. nc, regridfile_tmp2 Jan 15, 2021 · Two of them work, and two of them fail. nc my_regridded_climatology. If you do not want to re-compute files, you can set. Hope this helps, Cheers, J. nc can be written, no data (TREFHT) is kept. remapcon requires the xbounds and ybounds values in your grid text file (see 1. How can I avoid this with remapcon? You mentioned that my 'gridfile_122x101. Hi, your xinc is not correct I guess. Another option I used is: 1#cdo selname,TREFHT example1. I have used this: cdo remapbil,NEW_GRID_DEF old-file. 96177e+14. txt in. So it is important to know the order in which we have to do things: first cdo remap and then convert from per-gridcell to per-area, or Replies (2) RE: "Grid type >generic< unsupported!" when using remapcon - Added by Uwe Schulzweida over 12 years ago. OR. nk hg tz im sm lf ht ra dj wp